Die Digitalisierung der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (Digitization of Arbitral Proceedings)

Die Digitalisierung der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (Digitization of Arbitral Proceedings)


Special Counsel Professor Maxi Scherer and Senior Associate Dr. Ole Jensen have contributed a chapter titled “Die Digitalisierung der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit” (“Digitization of Arbitral Proceedings”) to a new German-language treatise on the digitization of civil procedure, published by De Gruyter.

A core strength of international arbitration is its flexibility. One only needs to look to the digitization of the process to see it. Host all communication and the case file in a digital and secure environment? Choose a dedicated case management platform. A global pandemic prevents you from meeting in person? Agree to move your hearing online. Want to provide the tribunal with a VR headset to conduct a site visit to a plant located thousands of kilometers away? So long as all stakeholders agree, the possibilities are (almost) endless. 

In their chapter Professor Scherer and Dr. Jensen analyze what is being done today and consider how technology will go even further to transform the arbitration process.


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