How Trump Could Boost Legal Business

How Trump Could Boost Legal Business


In this Law360 article, Adam Raviv and Reginald Brown offer several explanations how the 2016 election changed the business of law and speculations of what further changes might be afoot.  

Excerpt: Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, when asked in 1972 about the impact of the French Revolution, supposedly replied that it was “too early to tell.” Likewise, a year after the election of President Trump, it is far too early to know what long-term effects the election has had, or will have, on the business of law. Large law firms are ocean liners, not jet skis; for all the talk from legal industry consultants about the importance of being “nimble” and “flexible,” a law firm does not turn on a dime even in the face of the most astonishing U.S. election in generations. Nonetheless, in the 12 months since the election, some indicators seem to be taking shape.

Read the full article.


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