WilmerHale has been ranked among the top 50 law firms in the world in the soon-to-be-published 2005 PLC Which Lawyer? Yearbook. The firm was recommended in 14 practice areas in Europe and the US, and four lawyers were among those listed as “stars.”
Formerly known as Global Counsel 3000, the Yearbook provides law firm and individual lawyer recommendations by core commercial practice areas in over 70 jurisdictions worldwide. The recommendations are based on responses to surveys of in-house counsel in the companies listed in the PLC Law Department Profiles (formerly Global Counsel Network) and on interviews with private practitioners.
Four lawyers have also been listed as “star” lawyers in the Yearbook. They are: Gary B. Born (Dispute resolution, England and Wales); William F. Lee (Dispute resolution and intellectual property, US: Boston); Alfred C. Server (Life sciences: Corporate partnering, US: National); and Seth P. Waxman (Dispute resolution, US: Washington, DC).
The firm has been recommended in the following practice areas: Banking and Finance; Competition/anti-trust; Corporate real estate; Dispute resolution; Environment; Intellectual property; IT and e-commerce; Labour and employee benefits; Life sciences; M&A/company and corporate; Private equity/venture capital; Restructuring and insolvency; Tax; and Telecommunications.
Based on Practical Law Company's (PLC) research, they concluded that, "WilmerHale is on the crest of a wave following its merger early in 2004. Armed with big-hitters on both sides of the Atlantic, the firm is a prominent figure in intellectual property and securities related litigation, as well as anti-trust. Its international arbitration team is also growing in influence, along with its international trade and life sciences practices. Now one of the largest US firms, and with impressive European expertise, the future for WilmerHale looks bright."
For the Yearbook's overview of WilmerHale, its core international strengths and recent strategic developments, click here.