Biotechnology Industry Organization: 2013 BIO International Convention
Partner Belinda Juran will moderate a panel session on the Finance track on Monday, April 22 from 10:15–11:30 a.m. “Venture Philanthropy: For-Profit Biotechs can Benefit from Non-Profit Investments” will bring together representatives from nonprofit organizations as well as the for-profit biotechs that have been funded, in whole or in part, by such organizations, to discuss the best ways for funders and recipients to align their interests.
Special Counsel Cynthia Mazareas will moderate a discussion panel on the Business Development track on Tuesday, April 23 from 9–10:15 a.m. “Bridging the Productivity Gap: Current Big Pharma Strategies for Accessing Early-Stage Innovation” will address efforts being made by big pharma to accelerate its involvement and investment in early-stage innovation through relationships with VCs and start-ups. The panel will focus on the objectives of these arrangements; the major challenges facing pharma today that are driving these efforts; and the potential implications, benefits and risks associated with these new strategies.
Partner Mark Fleming will moderate a discussion panel on the Biotech Patenting and Tech Transfer track on Tuesday, April 23 from 10:30–11:30 a.m. “Developments in the Law of Patentable Subject Matter: Myriad, Mayo, and Beyond” will address the latest developments regarding the patenting of isolated DNA molecules in Association for Molecular Pathology v. USPTO, commonly known as the Myriad Genetics case; the continuing aftermath of the US Supreme Court’s decision in Mayo Collaborative Services v. Prometheus Labs., Inc.; and related developments in the courts and Congress that could affect the biotechnology industry. Panelists include Partner Seth Waxman and Senior Counsel Arthur Gajarsa.
Partner Steve Barrett will present a session on “Contract Basics” on Saturday, April 20 from 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. as part of the BIO-LES Business Development Basics Course. This three-day course has been offered as a joint collaboration between the Biotechnology Industry Organization and the Licensing Executives Society since 2003. It provides an intensive and comprehensive educational foundation on the core skills needed to be a successful licensing executive in the life sciences industry.
Belinda M. Juran
Retired Partner