Friends or Foes: International Arbitration and Climate Change

Friends or Foes: International Arbitration and Climate Change

Athens, Greece
Speaking Engagement

Clare Reichenbach will deliver a lecture titled “Friends or Foes: International Arbitration and Climate Change – Assessing whether Commercial, Investor-State, and State-to-State Arbitration Are Suitable Mechanisms for Resolving Climate Change-Related Disputes.”

Abstract: Climate change is undoubtedly one of, if not the biggest, challenge of our generation. A whole variety of new disputes have arisen as the impacts of climate change have become more apparent and as countries, companies, international organizations, and individuals seek to grapple with its legal implications. Climate change-related disputes are thus being brought before various national and international courts and tribunals. Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, such as international arbitration, are also being considered – by some with hope, and by others with skepticism. The aim of this guest lecture is to explore whether or not international arbitration currently provides or could provide a platform for resolving these types of disputes. In this interactive guest lecture, the audience and the lecturer will jointly assess whether or not commercial arbitration, investor-state arbitration and state-to-state arbitration are suitable mechanisms for resolving climate change-related disputes.

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