The 12th Annual Advanced Patent Law Institute

The 12th Annual Advanced Patent Law Institute

Speaking Engagement

The 12th Annual Advanced Patent Law InstituteĀ at the US Patent and Trademark Office offers a unique opportunity to join USPTO senior staff, leading practitioners, academics and members of the federal judiciary for two days of presentations on the latest developments in patent law, including:

  • A discussion on the current patent landscape in the US and overseas, with an emphasis on the state of licensing, enforcing and monetizing patents in the US, as well as a look at the impact of practices and policies in the UK, EU and China
  • Section 101 and the impact of recent decisions on software and technology claims, as well as current US and international perspectives on patent eligibility in life sciences
  • PTAB updates and proceedings: a look at recent decisions from the Federal Circuit, practice tips and tactics based on those decisions, and considerations and strategies in concurrent proceedings before the PTAB and District Courts
  • An examination of ITC and Section 337 Jurisdiction and the impact of recent Federal Circuit decisions affecting IPRs
  • Developments in design patents
  • Willful infringement and the impact of Halo, including discussion on enhanced damages, opinion letters and attorney's fees
  • Topics in USPTO practice, including a look at the USPTO's special programs for Patent Prosecution, changes to the duties of disclosure and the implications of using the Global Dossier, plus enforcement of the USPTO's ethical standards
  • Presentations from members of the judiciary including a keynote presentation by a Federal Circuit Judge and the popular Judicial Pane
  • Up to 15.00 hours of credit (13.00 hours in Virginia), including 2.00 hours of ethics

The Institute is presented by The University of Texas School of Law, the US Patent and Trademark Office and George Mason University School of Law.

WilmerHale Partner Monica Grewal will be speaking on a panel entitled "Concurrent Proceedings before PTAB and District Courts."

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