
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Kamann


  • Vice Chair, Antitrust and Competition Practice

Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Kamann's practice focuses on European regulation, in particular European and German competition law (antitrust, state aid and procurement), European Union administrative and constitutional law (inter alia in areas such as data protection, financial supervision and resolution), with emphasis on the new media, agro- and life-science, healthcare, transportation, and financial services industries, as well as international trade law and regulation. He has significant litigation experience, representing corporate and institutional clients before the European Court of Justice and the General Court in Luxembourg in more than 200 cases, as well as before German civil and administrative courts. 

He joined the firm in 2008. 

Professional Activities

Prof. Dr. Kamann is honorary professor at the University of Passau, director of the Centre of European Law at the University of Passau (CEP) and a member of the Association for the Study of Antitrust Law (Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht).

He has lectured on European and international regulation topics at the University Passau, the University of Frankfurt, the University of Saarbrücken, the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and the Management Center Innsbruck. 


  • European Courts Litigation

    • Represented The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press as intervener before the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Google vs. CNIL, C-507/17 regarding the extraterritorial application of the right to be forgotten.
    • Represented a leading global technology company before the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union concerning basic questions of data protection regulation in the EU internal market.
    • Represented the Consorzio Stabile SIS S.c.p.A, a leading infrastructure provider before the General Court in an action for annulment against a Commission decision approving state aid granted under the Italian motorways investment plan. 
    • Represented the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) before the General Court in Onix Asigurari S.A. v. EIOPA, T-590/15 in the first case on the institutional structure under the EU insurance supervisory regime.
    • Represented the Federal State of Hessen before the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Schecke GbR a.o. vs. Land Hessen, C-92/09 and C-93/09, the first (historic) case in which a EU regulation was annulled for data protection violations.
  • National Courts Litigation

    • Represented various undertakings in follow-on cartel damages litigation before German civil courts (e.g., in the vitamins cartel, the air cargo cartel, the German sugar cartel, the German milling cartel, etc.).
    • Represented various leading internet services providers in administrative and civil court proceedings on data and consumer protection issues.
  • Competition Law

    • Advised global technology company in an investigation by the German Federal Cartel Office.
    • Represented Guardian Industries Corp. and Guardian Europe Sàrl in appeal proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union in Guardian vs. Commission, C-580/12, achieving one of the largest fine reductions in the history of Union court jurisprudence.
    • Advised and represented various automotive suppliers in cartel proceedings before the European Commission.
    • Advised an international pharma company in the European Commission’s sector inquiry in the pharma sector.
  • State Aid

    • Defended the German Federal Ministry of Commerce in civil litigation brought by an airline against a state aid measure taken for the benefit of Air Berlin.
    • Advised the State of Hessen in state aid procedures before the European Commission relating to the financing of the Hessische Staatsweingüter and the regional airport of Kassel-Calden.
    • Advised various German banks as well as an international investor on state aid issues in connection with the international financial crisis.
    • Advised a German media company in a complaint procedure before the European Commission relating to the financing of the German public broadcasters.


  • Named to Lawdragon’s 2024 List of 500 Leading Global Cyber Lawyers.
  • Recommended by JUVE Handbuch for antitrust consecutively for 14 years in a row, most recently in the 2022/2023 edition (“very comprehensive, robust advice,” “thinks entrepreneurially,” – client review).
  • For dispute resolutionlitigation, Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Kamann is frequently recommended by JUVE Handbuch, most recently in 2022/2023 (“competent & collegialhighest respect,” – peer review).
  • JUVE Handbuch consistently recommends Prof. Dr. Kamann since 2008/2009 for state aid law – most recently in the 2022/2023 edition (“the right one [for] when the going gets tough” – peer review).
  • Recommended by JUVE Handbuch for public commercial law–administrative and constitutional law, most recently in the 2022/2023 edition.
  • Recommended by JUVE Handbuch since 2018/2019 for litigation and EU law. JUVE commends the well-played Kamann/Braun duo (in matters) where Litigation intersects with Data protection (“Already proven ideal for notable clients like Facebook”).
  • Recommended by JUVE Handbuch consistently from 2008/2009 to 2016/2017 in the pharmaceutical sectorpharmaceutical and medical devices law and healthcare transactions categories. Clients commend Dr. Kamann for his “good understanding of European issues.”
  • Recommended by Chambers Global (from 2018 - 2024), Chambers Germany (2025) and Chambers Europe (since 2009) and as a leader in competition/EU law in Germany ("From his profile to his knowledge he is just great, and a smart person to talk to.", 2023).
  • Recommended by Legal 500 Germany for commercial litigation. “The team works very collegially and has flat hierarchies (2021).
  • Legal 500 Germany consistently recommends Prof. Dr. Kamann since 2019 for state aid law. “Prof. Kamann is a proven expert in (EU) state aid law, he manages to break down complex legal issues to individual challenges and explain them (2021).
  • Recommended by Legal 500 Germany Prof. Dr. Kamann in the field of antitrust law since 2016. “Extremely focused and efficient work, outstanding market knowledge and an excellent overview of the practices of licensing authorities. (They do) the work themselves and do not pass requests on to Associates. Absolutely fair rates, unbeatable value for money.” “Hans-Georg Kamann is a brilliant lawyer with relevant experience (2020).
  • Legal 500 Germany recommends Prof. Dr. Kamann since 2020 for commercial law and distinguishes him as a "Leading Name" in 2021, highlighting his close collaboration with WilmerHale’s Brussels office.
  • Recommended by Legal 500 Germany since 2015 for the healthcare sector.
  • Legal 500 Germany consecutively recommends Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Kamann for data protection since 2020.
  • Listed in Handelsblatt Best Lawyers® List since 2019 for antitrust and competition law. Prof. Dr. Kamann was also named "Lawyer of the Year" in 2023 for his continued outstanding work in antitrust/competition.
  • Recommended by Who's Who Legal as an expert in competition (2019 - 2023). Dr. Kamann is also listed as a global leader in the competitionstate aid category in 2019 and has been consistently recognized as a national leader for Germany since 2015.
  • Received the Global Competition Review “GCR Litigation of the Year Award: Cartel Prosecution 2017” for client representation in the “Sugar Cartel“ proceedings.
  • Received the Global Competition Review "GCR Matter of the Year Award 2016" for representing Lufthansa AG in the "Air Freight Cartel" proceedings.

Insights & News


  • Education

    • Hon. Prof., Passau, 2010

    • Second State Exam, Munich, 1997

    • Dr. iur., European Community Law, University of Passau, 1996

    • First State Exam, Passau, 1994

  • Admissions

    • Frankfurt

    • Brussels

  • Languages

    • English

    • German

    • French



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