

WHMeet is the firm's secure online meeting and web video conferencing tool. WHMeet provides access to audio and Webex conferencing services. 

Access whmeet.webex.com for Webex conferencing services.

WHMeet Conferencing supports international dial-in. Click the link below to view a listing of dial-in phone numbers by country.

View WHMeet Dial-In Numbers

Contact the IS Service Desk with any questions or issues:

US only : +1 866 811 5700 
Europe : 00800 7772 1000 
International : +1 202 247 2400


Unless you are an existing client, before communicating with WilmerHale by e-mail (or otherwise), please read the Disclaimer referenced by this link.(The Disclaimer is also accessible from the opening of this website). As noted therein, until you have received from us a written statement that we represent you in a particular manner (an "engagement letter") you should not send to us any confidential information about any such matter. After we have undertaken representation of you concerning a matter, you will be our client, and we may thereafter exchange confidential information freely.

Thank you for your interest in WilmerHale.