WilmerHale Ranks Near the Top of Vault’s List of Most Prestigious Law Firms
- 8.4.2005
WilmerHale ranked 14th in the 2006 edition of the renowned Vault Guide to the Top 100 Law Firms. Over 15,000 practicing attorneys were asked to take part in this survey, ranking the top 100 law firms according to prestige. This is the first year that the merged firm was able to earn a combined ranking, making strides from it’s legacy firm rankings of 21st and 24th in the 2005 edition. The firm was also acknowledged in the following rankings: “Best in Region” (#2 Boston, #3 Washington, DC); “Best in Practice” (#5 Technology, #6 Antitrust); and “Quality of Life” (#12 Selectivity, #13 Pro Bono, #17 Compensation).
Aside from the actual rankings, the guide offers “The Scoop” on the listed firms and reports its findings in various categories from diversity to pro bono work and compensation. Candid feedback from firm attorneys is also a major draw of Vault’s assessment. A first-year lawyer at the WilmerHale comments, “I came to WilmerHale to tackle cases that are at the intersection of government, politics and the private sector. I have not been disappointed.” While a midlevel associate says that partners at the firm “…care just as much about your development as a lawyer as they do about the work product for the client.”
The Vault Guide to the Top 100 Law Firms will be available free to students and jobseekers in print and online at over 500 universities and law schools through their campus career centers. The guide is also distributed online, as well as offline at over 5,000 bookstores across the country. To learn more, please visit http://www.vault.com/.