WilmerHale Honored for Commitment to Pro Bono Representation

  • 11.1.2012

WilmerHale was recently honored as a Pro Bono Partner by Appleseed at the organization’s Pillars of Justice Awards ceremony. Appleseed held the event October 24, 2012, to celebrate the contribution of its pro bono partners and to recognize those partners dedication to service.

Appleseed is an organization dedicated to solving problems affecting the daily lives of citizens through national and international programs. With pro bono support from law firms, Appleseed serves to remedy structural problems that block access to justice, education and opportunity. WilmerHale is an active Appleseed pro bono partner helping the organization accomplish its overall mission to bring fairness, justice and opportunity to all.

WilmerHale has assisted Appleseed on many matters over the years. Most recently, at Appleseed’s request, John Batter, a partner in the firm's Litigation/Controversy and Securities Departments, and a team of WilmerHale lawyers gathered and compiled information regarding homeless and runaway youth policies and programs in fifteen states: Arkansas, California, Florida, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin. Each state summary included comprehensive information about youth homelessness in each state and identified several approaches which appear to be particularly innovative or effective. This research supported Appleseed’s publication of a report entitled Unaccompanied, Unidentified and Uncounted: Developing Strategies to Meet the Needs of America's Homeless Youth.

In honoring the firm, Appleseed President Betsy Cavendish said, “Our legal pro bono partners embody the pro bono spirit that marks the legal profession. Lawyers are fortunate to have the tools necessary to serve as keepers of the legal process. It is a privilege to work with service-minded legal professionals whose capabilities ensure the legal process provides justice as intended. Thank you to WilmerHale.”

For decades, WilmerHale has been known for its record of pro bono representation and community service. The firm’s pro bono program has consistently been recognized as one of the top programs in the country. WilmerHale’s pro bono contributions through the program range from cases of national importance before the US Supreme Court to litigation on behalf of individuals who lack the means to secure fundamental necessities like housing and adequate medical care.

Pillarsofjustice interior

Partner Kimberly Parker (left), co-chair of WilmerHale’s Pro Bono and Community Service Committee, accepts the Appleseed award on behalf of the firm.