Waxman Elected President of Harvard's Board of Overseers
- 3.3.2010
Harvard’s Board of Overseers is the larger of Harvard’s two governing boards, the other being the President and Fellows of Harvard College (also known as the Harvard Corporation). The primary function of the Board of Overseers is to encourage the University to maintain the highest attainable standards as a place of learning. Drawing on the diverse experience of its members, the board exerts broad influence over Harvard’s strategic directions, provides counsel to the University’s leadership on priorities and plans, has the power of consent to certain actions of the Corporation, and directs the visitation process by which various Harvard schools and departments are periodically reviewed and assessed.
Elected to Harvard’s Board of Overseers in 2005, Waxman has served on the board’s executive committee since 2008. He chairs the board’s social sciences committee and is past chair of its committee on institutional policy. A member of the visiting committees to the College, the Government Department, and the Peabody Museum, Waxman was an elected director of the Harvard Alumni Association from 2000 to 2003.
For more information, please visit the Harvard Gazette.