National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty Honors WilmerHale with Pro Bono Counsel Award

  • 9.25.2009
Last night, the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (NLCHP) awarded WilmerHale with its 2009 Pro Bono Counsel Award at the McKinney-Vento Awards Dinner in Washington DC. The dinner honored those who work tirelessly to advance solutions to end homelessness and poverty for people in America. WilmerHale received this award for its many contributions over the years, but especially for the firm's most recent work in researching and writing Without Just Cause, a 50-state report on the rights of renters living in properties undergoing foreclosure. This report led to a recent legislative victory that enhanced the rights of renters nationally.

WilmerHale has provided pro bono support to the NLCHP’s domestic violence program by assisting with legal research into new federal protections to prevent survivors of domestic violence from losing their housing. The firm also helped research a national report on violence and hate crimes against homeless people, which drew national media attention and helped pave the way for the passage of the first state law in 2009, protecting homeless people from hate crimes.

The mission of NLCHP is to prevent and end homelessness by serving as the legal arm of the nationwide movement to end homelessness. To learn more about this organization, please click here.