An International Perspective on the Evolution of E-Commerce

  • 9.21.1999
A recent Singapore conference addressed the issue "Electronic Commerce - New Opportunities for Prosperity." The keynote address was given by Liang Moung, Assistant Director (Electronic Commerce)of Singapore's National Computer Board. Other speakers discussed:
The presentation on U.S. e-commerce highlighted success stories as well as a few failures, and reviewed lessons learned from both. The presentation reviewed technological developments which should accelerate the growth of e-commerce in the United States, and business and legal obstacles (such as privacy concerns) which will need to be overcome before e-commerce can reach its full potential. Click here to review the presentation slides.
The Singapore conference was sponsored by the Pacific Rim Advisory Council ("PRAC"), a network of 27 law firms (including Hale and Dorr) based in 22 countries throughout North and South America, South and East Asia and Australasia. PRAC meets semi-annually to discuss emerging trends in international business, law and the practice of law.