WilmerHale Awarded the Patent Pro Bono Achievement Certificate by USPTO

  • 5.24.2024

On May 22, the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) awarded the Patent Pro Bono Achievement Certificate to WilmerHale and two of its intellectual property lawyers – Partner Peter Dichiara and Associate John Kim – for volunteering significant time to help financially under-resourced inventors and small businesses achieve patent protection for their inventions.

The USPTO’s Patent Pro Bono program, established under the 2011 America Invents Act, has benefited thousands of underrepresented inventors through matching them with pro bono lawyers to provide free legal assistance for the purpose of securing patent protection. Not only is the program critical to expanding innovation, but it also has a proven record of expanding it inclusively by serving numerous inventors of color, women, and veteran applicants.

The 2023 recipients of the Patent Pro Bono Achievement Certificate are listed on the USPTO’s Practitioner Recognition page and Firm Recognition Page