Biometric Privacy as a Case Study for US Privacy Overall

  • Kirk Nahra, Ali Jessani, Amy Olivero, Samuel Kane
  • 4.29.2024

WilmerHale lawyers Kirk Nahra, Ali Jessani, Amy Olivero and Samuel Kane authored an article in the April 2024 issue of the CPI TechREG Chronicle that outlines how the rules governing biometric data reflect US privacy at large.

Excerpt: “Privacy law in the United States is best described as a patchwork of rules and regulations at both the state and federal level. This development is perhaps no better exemplified than by how the US regulates biometric information. From competing definitions to (sometimes) contradictory compliance obligations, the rules surrounding the processing of biometric information are myriad and complex, creating meaningful challenges for companies that wish to take advantage of the benefits associated with processing it (which include increased security and more convenience for consumers). This article outlines how the rules governing biometric data reflect US privacy at large and how this approach negatively impacts both consumers and businesses.”

Read the full article.