Major Events and Policy Issues in EU Competition Law 2020–2021: Part 2

  • 6.22.2022

John Ratliff and his colleagues set out the second part of their annual review of major events in EU Competition law in 2020–2021, dealing with European Court judgments on third party interests in art.9 commitment decisions (Groupe Canal+); and whether the essential facilities doctrine applies to decisions affecting access in regulated sectors (Baltic Rail, Slovak Telekom). They summarise various EC decisions on cartels, an EC decision fining unlawful collusion on car emissions cleaning technology; and a new EC decision on pay-for-delay (Cephalon Teva—Modafinil). They also note an EC guidance letter on information exchange in matchmaking events for vaccine cooperation; and various art.102 TFEU decisions which now have been published (e.g. Aspen on excessive pricing, Google AdSense on online search advertising, Broadcom on exclusionary practices). Finally, they highlight current policy issues and outline the EU’s Foreign Subsidies legislative proposal.

Read the full article.