Major Events and Policy Issues in EU Competition Law 2020–2021: Part 1

  • 6.22.2022


John Ratliff and his colleagues set out their annual review of major events in EU Competition law in 2020–2021, dealing with legislative/European Commission (EC) practice developments (including the EC’s proposed Digital Markets Act and drafts of the revised Vertical Restraints Block Exemption and Guidelines). They also note continuing EC and national competition authority developments on sustainability and competition law. Then they outline European Court judgments on EU Competition law. Of particular interest are rulings in: (i) Pometon, which deals with the position of non-settling parties in hybrid settlements in cartel cases; and (ii) Sumal/Mercedes Benz Trucks Espaňa, which deals with whether a plaintiff seeking cartel damages has to sue the named infringing group parent or can sue a subsidiary. Finally, they review judgments on cartel appeals, including cases on the payment of interest on appeals, whether leniency applicants can change position for fine reductions, and appeals in the capacitors cartel.

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