The Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Review: England and Wales

  • Frederick Saugman, Alice Lepeuple
  • 1.13.2021

A chapter by Christopher David, Fred Saugman, Alice Lepeuple and Josef Rybacki appearing in the ninth edition of The Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Review, first published by The Law Reviews in November 2020.

Excerpt: In the past decade, the anti-bribery regime in England and Wales has seen significant developments in legislation governing the prosecution and punishment of bribery offences, particularly for corporations. The introduction of the Bribery Act 2010 marked a step-change in anti-corruption enforcement, most notably by introducing, to a limited extent, strict liability and by expanding the territorial reach of criminal liability for bribery offences. In February 2014, deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs) were introduced in the UK and, after a slow start, DPAs are becoming an increasingly common tool for resolving corporate misconduct. Read the full chapter.