American College of Governance Counsel Elects Lillian Brown and Susan Muck as Fellows

  • 11.2.2020

Lillian Brown and Susan Muck were recently elected as Fellows of the American College of Governance Counsel. The American College of Governance Counsel is a professional, educational, and honorary association of lawyers who are widely recognized for their achievements in the field of governance.

Fellows are those who spend a substantial amount of their time in boardrooms advising directors in a variety of circumstances such as shareholder activism and engagement, management succession, internal investigations, disclosure obligations, shareholder litigation, and a broad range of regulatory and governmental matters. They join Meredith Cross and William McLucas, who have served as fellows since the inaugural class was announced in 2015.

Lillian Brown is a Washington DC-based partner who advises clients, including public companies and their boards, on federal securities law compliance and corporate governance matters. She has extensive experience in SEC reporting and disclosure requirements, shareholder proposal and proxy matters, the federal securities laws relevant to control-related transactions, and shareholder activism and engagement.

Based in San Francisco, Susan Muck is a partner who focuses her practice on shareholder class actions, derivative suits, and internal and US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigations. She also regularly advises boards and management on disclosure and accounting issues, cybersecurity, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), whistleblower investigations, and other high-profile governance matters.