WilmerHale’s Thomas Sprankling Co-Authors New Treatise on Trade Secrets Law

  • Thomas Sprankling
  • 5.13.2020

Thomas Sprankling, a counsel in WilmerHale’s Palo Alto office, has co-authored and published a new book titled “Understanding Trade Secret Law.” His co-author is his father, John G. Sprankling, who is a Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento.

The book was published by Carolina Academic Press which describes the book: “This treatise explains trade secret law clearly and succinctly, while being mindful of the evolving policies and tensions that underlie the field. It examines state law under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act and federal law under the 2016 Defend Trade Secrets Act, together with common law doctrine.”

According to Thomas, “trade secrets have become an increasingly important area of the law for many of our clients, including technology companies who need to protect valuable, confidential information that does not fall cleanly under copyright or patent law. We hope that this primer—which combines the perspectives of a practitioner and an academic—will be a useful resource for lawyers, law students, and judges for years to come.”