Currency Fix Trial: An Unpopular SFO Decision Vindicated by the US Courts

  • 11.28.2018
An op-ed article by Alison Geary, published by The Times, discusses how WilmerHale’s winning of an acquittal for client and former currency trader Rohan Ramchandani cast a positive light on the British prosecutors’ controversial decision against charging Ramchandani and two other former traders who were later prosecuted, unsuccessfully, by the US Department of Justice. 

Excerpt: The Serious Fraud Office has come in for its fair share of criticism in recent years, but last month, in a New York court room, its judgment was vindicated. On that day, three British men who had been the central focus of a five-year investigation into the foreign exchange (FX) market were acquitted after only a few hours of jury deliberation. Read the full article.