EU Overview
- Frédéric Louis, Anne Vallery
- 9.5.2018
An article published by Frédéric Louis and Anne Vallery in The Public Competition Enforcement Review—Edition 10—by The Law Reviews.
Excerpt: As usual, it would be impossible to cover all the significant developments, touching upon all aspects of European Commission (EC) enforcement of the TFEU antitrust rules, under the supervision of the EU courts in Luxembourg, that took place over the past year. Instead, we have chosen to briefly highlight a few,2 while discussing in greater detail below two important cases relating to Article 102 TFEU enforcement: the Google Shopping decision, which led to the imposition of a mega fine, and the Intel judgment of the Court of Justice (ECJ), the latest episode in the unfolding saga that saw the EC impose in 2009 what was then the largest single fine ever on a company for a competition violation, a title that has now been passed on to Google.