Remedies in EU Merger Control

  • 5.31.2018

On 24 May 2018, John Ratliff chaired and participated in a panel on “Current and Future Trends in Remedies” at the Knect365 (formerly IBC) Merger Control Conference in Brussels. 

The panel discussed: (i) increasing use of upfront buyers in EC practice; (ii) recent EU behavioural commitments to meet vertical concerns; (iii) the trend in the EU to structural remedies to deal with innovation concerns, including divestiture of R&D organisations; and (iv) how to deal with remedies in cases involving worldwide filings, with reference to AB InBev SAB Miller. The panel included David Riley from Sky, Justin Menezes from Mazars, Matthias Eisenbarth from AB InBev and John Ratliff from WilmerHale.