Trade, Investment & Technology: Presentation for the United Nations General Assembly Structured Dialogue on Technology Facilitation

  • 7.23.2014 | -

Naboth van den Broek participated as a speaker and private sector representative in the United Nations General Assembly Structured Dialogue on the Development, Transfer and Dissemination of Clean and Environmentally Sound Technologies. The meeting was held at the UN Headquarters in New York and was chaired by H.E. Ambassador Paul Seger of Switzerland and H.E. Ambassador Guilherme de Aguiar Patriota of Brazil. Other speakers included Thomas Gass (Assistant Secretary General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs), and H.E. Ambassador Tomas Anker Christensen (Executive Office of the United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Ban-Ki Moon). Mr. van den Broek presented on the role of the private sector and the importance of positive enabling environments, capacity building, foreign direct investment, partnerships, IPR, and trade, including the ongoing EGA and ITA negotiations.