The International Law Section of the State Bar of California: Current Trends in International Arbitration

  • 9.6.2013 | -
  • The State Bar of California
    180 Howard Street, 4th Floor
    San Francisco, California 94105

Gary Born

With international arbitration continuing to grow rapidly as a preferred method for resolving cross-border commercial disputes, it is more important than ever to understand the advantages, drawbacks, peculiarities and pitfalls of this unique form of dispute resolution. This program provided valuable insights to experienced and new lawyers alike regarding the practice of international arbitration and its value as a forum for resolving a wide variety of disputes that cross international borders. View the program overview and schedule of events.

The program included a luncheon with a keynote address by Gary Born, a leading authority on international commercial arbitration and one of the most sought-after arbitrators in the world. Mr. Born spoke on his novel proposal to expand the use of international commercial arbitration through adoption of bilateral arbitration treaties (BATs) inspired by the bilateral investment treaties (BITs) that underpin investor-state arbitration.