Practising Law Institute: Annual Disclosure Documents 2013

  • 12.5.2013 - 12.6.2013
  • University of Chicago Gleacher Center
    450 N. Cityfront Plaza Drive
    Chicago, Illinois 60611

Lillian Brown

The Practising Law Institute (PLI) will host its Annual Disclosure Documents conference, where speakers will discuss the current disclosure requirements and developments affecting annual disclosure documents, proxy soliciting materials, and ongoing disclosure practices of SEC reporting companies, as well as financial reporting developments and ethical compliance challenges facing lawyers.

WilmerHale Partner Lillian Brown will participate in three panels, the first titled, “Corporate Finance Developments and Priorities,” during which she contribute to a discussion on rulemaking initiatives, including pursuant the JOBS Act and Dodd-Frank Act, C&DIs and other staff guidance, the staff’s disclosure review program and best practices when interacting with the SEC staff.

Brown is also a featured speaker on the “Disclosure Practices and Challenges” panel where the discussion will be focused on practical considerations when drafting Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Operation Results and Risk Factors, practices for disclosing good and bad news and recent SEC developments.

The final panel on which Brown will serve is titled “Emerging Disclosure Developments” will solicit a discussion on the expanding use of social media, considerations relating to the SEC’s conflict minerals and resource extraction rules, disclosure considerations under the Iran Threat Reduction Act and a reflection of the staff’s experience.