NYU 2012 Summer Institute in Taxation: Introduction to International Taxation

  • 7.24.2012 | 8:30 AM -
  • The Westin
    270 West 43rd Street
    New York, NY 10036

Richard Andersen

The NYU 2012 Summer Institute in Taxation program will provide the basics of the taxation of trusts and estates, as well as the more sophisticated planning opportunities and pitfalls, such as:

  • Estate planning and gifting strategies during 2012 and beyond;
  • Estate planning for non-traditional partners;
  • Choice of entity factors for conducting a multi-generational family business;
  • Leveraging taxable gifts through split-interest gifts to charity;
  • Post-mortem planning opportunities and obstacles;
  • Tax issues related to dual citizens, residents and expatriation of a citizen or a long-term resident; and
  • Current update on family limited partnerships with emphasis on planning considerations during 2012 and next year.

Partner Richard Andersen will be speaking on the panel titled "Direct and Indirect Foreign Tax Credit and Foreign Tax Credit Limitation."