IP Counsel Café: Patent Reform – The Second Wave

  • 4.1.2014 - 4.4.2014
  • Crowne Plaza Cabana
    4290 El Camino Real
    Palo Alto, California 94306

Jason Kipnis

The America Invents Act (AIA) has done little to curb abuses by patent assertion entities (PAEs). In fact, suits brought by PAEs have tripled in just the last two years, rising from 29% to 62% of all infringement suits. We are now in the throes of a second wave of patent reform. Multiple bills are in the House, the Supreme Court has been asked to rule on patentability issues, even State governments have become active players through their consumer protection laws. As we grapple with patentability, other counrtires are fortifying and even accelerating their patent protection laws. What does this second wave of reform mean for US intellectual property? Are the stakes higher? What long-term effects do IP Counsel need to confront today?

Intellectual Property Partner Jason Kipnis is a featured speaker at this event and will participate on a panel entitled “New Solutions: How are Companies Battling Abusive Patent Litigation Bought by PAEs?”