Getting Ready for the 2024 Annual Reporting and Proxy Season

  • 10.18.2023 | 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

C. Alex Bahn , Lillian Brown , Meredith Cross , Caroline Dotolo , Molly Fox , Brenda Lee , Scott Lunin , Rosemary Reilly , Alan Wilson

To help you prepare for the upcoming annual reporting and proxy season, join WilmerHale and PJT Camberview on October 18 for a virtual session addressing themes and takeaways from 2023 and practical advice for approaching 2024 Form 10-Ks and proxy statements.

WilmerHale Partner Lillian Brown will moderate a practical discussion among a panel of seasoned advisors from PJT Camberview and WilmerHale, including Meredith Cross, former Director of the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance, who will share perspectives on the status of ESG (and anti-ESG) efforts, SEC rulemaking and enforcement, voting choice, and universal proxy.  The panel also will address how best to prepare for the many new SEC rule changes, including those relating to cybersecurity and share buybacks, and Delaware law developments impacting the vote required to approve certain matters.


C. Alex Bahn, Partner, WilmerHale

Lillian Brown, Partner and Co-Chair, Corporate Governance and Disclosure Group, WilmerHale

Meredith Cross, Partner, WilmerHale

Caroline Dotolo, Partner, WilmerHale

Molly W. Fox, Partner, WilmerHale

Brenda E. Lee, Partner, WilmerHale

Scott Lunin, Partner, WilmerHale

Rosemary G. Reilly, Partner, WilmerHale

Katherine Wallace, Director, PJT Camberview

Alan J. Wilson, Counsel, WilmerHale

Register for this webinar. CLE credit will be provided. Participants will have the opportunity to contribute questions online.

*CLE credit is not available for those who watch a recording of the webinar.