Proxy Disclosure & 20th Annual Executive Compensation Conferences

  • 9.20.2023 - 9.22.2023

Meredith Cross , Lillian Brown

CCRcorp’s Proxy Disclosure & 20th Annual Executive Compensation Conferences will comprise of engaging sessions full of essential and practical guidance on how to anticipate critical issues and use the annual proxy reporting season to your advantage. 

On Wednesday, September 20, Meredith Cross will participate in the session “The SEC All-Stars: Proxy Season Insights” and Lily Brown will speak on the panel “Board Leadership Disclosures: Lessons From Corp Fin’s Sweep.”

Then, on Thursday, September 21, Lily Brown will participate in the panel, “Cyber Risk Disclosures: Key Action Items” and on Friday, September 22, Meredith Cross will speak on the panel “The SEC All-Stars: Executive Pay Nuggets.”