2022 International Law Section Annual Conference

  • 4.26.2022 - 4.29.2022
  • 1001 16th Street NW
    Washington, DC 20036

Tiffany Smith , Lauren Mandell , Stephanie Hartmann

This Annual Conference is the premier gathering of the year for the ABA International Law Section, where our members, committees, and Section leaders gather with each other, leaders of other bar associations, and the international legal community. This year’s Annual Conference will focus on “re-emergence.” Multilateralism and the importance of international law and institutions will be featured prominently throughout the Conference. Panels of leading experts will address cutting-edge issues and emerging conditions that drive cross-border work, including deals and the risks presented in our current environment, litigation, technology, trade, national security, human rights and the rule of law.

  • WilmerHale Special Counsel, Lauren Mandell is speaking on a panel titled, “Using International Arbitration to Resolve Climate Change Disputes: A Look Ahead” on April 27 from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
  • WilmerHale Counsel Stephanie Hartmann is speaking on a panel titled, “Where Are Global Supply Chains Going? Nearshoring: A Possible Future for Supply Chains After COVID” and Trade Wars on April 28 from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
  • WilmerHale Partner, Tiffany J. Smith is speaking on a panel titled “Innovation 2.0: Fintech: Lessons Learned, Changes, and New Challenges” on April 29 from 11:30-12:30 p.m.