17th Annual Stanford Digital Economy Best Practices Conference

  • 11.5.2020 | -

Mark Selwyn

The Stanford Digital Economy Best Practices Conference is the premier educational event for in-house counsel and practitioners who work in or for Internet, e-commerce, mobile, social networking and cloud companies. Leading experts from industry, legal practice and academia will address current issues facing the industry and offer practical solutions for dealing with the many legal uncertainties that arise when doing business online. The program will feature a roundtable of general counsel from leading e-commerce companies. Mark Selwyn will be speaking on the panel, “AI, IP, and Data Interoperability Best Practices for Deploying AI,” from 9:10 a.m.–10:10 a.m. which will touch on the following points:

  • Trade secret protection for AI algorithms
  • AI and patents
  • Who owns the output of machine learning?
  • Data loss prevention
  • Data interoperability, scraping and data protection
  • Litigation strategies
  • Accessing good test data
  • Avoiding bias
  • Identifying “good” and “bad” uses of AI
  • Using AI to identify fraudsters, for industrial uses, and content moderation
  • AI and privacy concerns