8th Annual GAR Live New York

  • 10.2.2019 | 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Global Arbitration Review is delighted to once again host GAR Live New York. This full day event will not only bring together prominent arbitrators to deliberate over developments and trends in arbitration, but will also include two GAR Live favorites, the Debate and Question Time sessions. The audience are offered an exclusive opportunity to propose questions, weigh in on hot topics and witness the for-and-against concerning the motion “This house believes that the increasing standardization of international arbitration procedure is a positive development.” The esteemed panel will also discuss the status of New York as a seat for international arbitration and will review all the developments from the last year.

Partner John Pierce will co-chair Global Arbitration Review's 8th Annual New York Live event. He will also serve as a moderator of Session Two: The GAR Live Question Time.