M. Scott Layman
Attorney, Data Analytics and Investigations
Scott Layman is a DA&I attorney in the firm's WilmerHale DiscoverySolutions team, focused on substantive and strategic areas of discovery for Litigation/Controversy matters. He joined the firm in 2003.
Mr. Layman focuses his practice on issues of e-discovery. Specifically, he works with other attorneys, litigation support coordinators, and paralegals in order to provide efficient and cost effective discovery in litigations and investigations. Senior staff attorneys on these teams manage matters to create smarter document review processes through strategic and tactical work from preservation to collection and through review and production. In this role they utilize the firm's internal review software as well as e-discovery vendors' review and analytical tools.
Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Layman was director of staffing at a litigation support company, where he focused on providing personnel and logistics management services to area law firms.
Insights & News
JD, College of William and Mary, 1995
BA, University of Virginia, 1992
District of Columbia
JD, College of William and Mary, 1995
BA, University of Virginia, 1992
District of Columbia