Dr. Golo Weidmann
Special Counsel
Dr. Golo Weidmann advises and represents German and international clients in all areas of collective and individual employment law. His particular focus lies in employment law-related advice and drafting of contracts during transactions and business restructurings. This includes advice on questions of co-determination, dealing with a European works council and company pension schemes. Furthermore, he counsels clients on compliance matters.
Dr. Weidmann represents employers before courts and in non-contentious matters against employees, works councils and authorities. This includes the negotiation of works agreements and conciliation of interests and social plans.
In addition, Dr. Weidmann advises managing directors and board members in all aspects of their employment's service agreement and social insurance issues prior to termination.
Dr. Weidmann regularly publishes articles in journals and the daily press and gives lectures on employment law subjects.
Professional Activities
Dr. Weidmann is a member of the German-Italian Lawyers Association and the European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA).Speaking Engagements
November 16, 2016 | Abendforum - 32. Praxisseminar: Christmas bonuses and other variable compensation components (Alle Jahre wieder – Weihnachtsgratifikationen und andere variable Vergütungsbestandteile) | Frankfurt, Germany |
April 21, 2016 | Abendforum - 30. Praxisseminar: Safe Harbor Decision and European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Status Quo of employee data protection (Safe Harbor Entscheidung und EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung: Wo steht der Beschäftigtendatenschutz?) | Frankfurt, Germany |
November 26, 2015 | Employment law for managers and executives (Arbeitsrecht für Führungskräfte) | Wörrstadt, Germany |
September 23, 2015 | Abendforum - 27. Praxisseminar: Personal liability of employees (Arbeitnehmerhaftung) | Frankfurt, Germany |
April 15, 2015 | Abendforum - 25. Praxisseminar: Vacation law (Urlaubsrecht) | Frankfurt, Germany |
March 26, 2015 | The managing director of a German limited liability company (GmbH) (L'amministratore di una s.r.l. tedesca) | Milan, Italy |
November 12, 2014 | Abendforum, 24. practical seminar: How to deal with employees with a long-term illness (Umgang mit langzeiterkrankten Mitarbeitern) | Frankfurt, Germany |
September 10, 2014 | Drafting Works Agreements That are Professionally and Legally Effective (Betriebsvereinbarungen professionell und rechtssicher gestalten) | Frankfurt, Germany |
April 3, 2014 | Abendforum, 21. Praxisseminar: Use of Temporary Agency Work (Einsatz von Fremdpersonal) | Frankfurt, Germany |
March 25, 2014 | Latest Employment Case Law (Aktuelles Arbeitsrecht) | Aschaffenburg, Germany |
March 20, 2014 | Founderstable in Berlin | Berlin, Germany |
January 23, 2014 | Termination of Employees in Germany (II licenziamento dei lavoratori in Germania) | Milan, Italy |
November 15, 2013 | (Internal) Temporary Agency Work – Legal Aspects and Specific Characteristics ([Interne] Arbeitnehmerüberlassung – Rechtliche Aspekte und Besonderheiten) | Saarbrücken, Germany |
September 16, 2013 | Continuing Education During Employment (Weiterbildung im Arbeitsverhältnis) | Berlin, Germany |
September 5, 2013 | Abendforum, 19. Praxisseminar: Adjustment of Terms and Conditions When Integrating Companies and Parts Thereof (Harmonisierung von Vertragsbedingungen bei der Integration von Unternehmens[-teilen]) | Frankfurt, Germany |
June 25, 2013 | Latest Employment Case Law (Aktuelles Arbeitsrecht) | Heidelberg, Germany |
November 23-24, 2012 | Employment Law for Founders (Recht für Unternehmensgründer) | Berlin, Germany |
November 14, 2012 | Abendforum, 16. Praxisseminar: Use of Temporary Agency Work (Rechtssichere Gestaltung beim Einsatz von Fremdpersonal) | Frankfurt, Germany |
September 20, 2012 | Abendforum, 15. Praxisseminar: Career and Family From an Employment Law Perspective (Familie und Beruf im Arbeitsrecht) | Frankfurt, Germany |
August 31, 2011 | Abendforum, 11. Praxisseminar: Transition to Flexible Remuneration and Amendment of Salary Structures (Flexibilisierung und Änderung von Vergütungsstrukturen) | Frankfurt, Germany |
Insights & News
Certified Attorney, Labor and Employment Law, 2007
JD, University of Mainz, 2005
Second State Exam, 2000
First State Exam, University of Mainz, 1998
Università di Modena (Italy), 1993/94
Certified Attorney, Labor and Employment Law, 2007
JD, University of Mainz, 2005
Second State Exam, 2000
First State Exam, University of Mainz, 1998
Università di Modena (Italy), 1993/94