China RoHS: Draft First Batch of Products Subject to Regulation Released for Comment

China RoHS: Draft First Batch of Products Subject to Regulation Released for Comment

The Energy Conservation and Resources Utilization Department of China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on September 29 issued (posted on October 9) the long-awaited Catalogue of Electronic Information Products for Priority Control of Pollution (the "Catalogue") (1st batch) in draft form to solicit comments from industry (the "Announcement") in accordance with the Measures for the Administration of the Control of Pollution by Electronic Information Products ("China RoHS") and the Procedures for the Formulation of the Catalogue of Electronic Information Products for Priority Control of Pollution. Comments are due by November 9 by fax to 8610-6820-5363 or by email to [email protected].

The Announcement includes a list of the electronic information products ("EIPs") proposed to be among the first batch of products for inclusion in the Catalogue with an attachment specifying the definitions and scope thereof. Three categories of EIP are included in the first batch, including "mobile user terminals", "telephone sets (including both fixed-line and wireless telephone terminals)", and "printing equipment connected to computers". A table designates the HS codes for the EIPs; the hazardous/harmful substances or elements contained therein for which use is to be restricted; the scope of hazardous/harmful substances or elements which for the time being will not be restricted for use; and the time period when the use restriction will enter into effect, i.e., ten months after formal release of the first batch of EIPs in the Catalogue. EIPs not included in the first batch will not be subject to restrictions on the use of hazardous/harmful elements or substances for the time being.

The draft document may be accessed by clicking here.

To access a previous Briefing Series on China RoHS, click here.



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