Counsel Jack Goodman was named to The Hollywood Reporter, ESQ.’s list of the most powerful lawyers representing the media industry. In their list of the top five lawyers representing the entertainment industry’s interests in Washington, DC, the newsletter refers to Mr. Goodman as “a consummate insider and avid networker.” The article also cites Greg Schmidt, vice president of new development and general counsel for LIN Television Corporation, as saying, “Jack is smart and knows broadcast law as well as anybody on the planet. He’s a relentless networker and knows everyone in the broadcast industry and almost everyone at the FCC.”
The list of top government “Power Lawyers” ran in the July 24th issue as part of The Hollywood Reporter, ESQ.’s overall list of the “2007 Top 100 Outside Counsel.” Other categories in which they identified outstanding lawyers include litigation, talent, corporate, IP/technology and labor. The government lawyers listed are collectively described as “helping to determine the playing field on which their clients in Los Angeles and New York will operate.”