Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of San Francisco Honors WilmerHale for Pro Bono Service to Microentrepreneurs

Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of San Francisco Honors WilmerHale for Pro Bono Service to Microentrepreneurs


The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area (LCCRSF) honored WilmerHale with the James T. Caleshu Award at the 2025 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Pro Bono Awards ceremony last month.

This award recognizes extraordinary pro bono contributions to the Legal Services for Entrepreneurs program, which provides free business legal services to low-income individuals starting or developing for-profit businesses, and to businesses committed to underserved communities.

Partner Stephen Gillespie and Senior Associate Eugene Kang accepted the award on behalf of the firm at the ceremony, which was held at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco. The ceremony is the LCCRSF's largest annual fundraiser, with over 600 people in attendance helping raise over $1 million to fund the organization's pro bono goals.

The LCCRSF also recognized Kang along with Partner Daniel Zimmermann for their pro bono representation of microentrepreneurs and small businesses.

WilmerHale was highlighted in a video that introduced the audience to the LCCRSF's pro bono and community partner awardees, which you can watch here, with the firm's feature beginning at the 5:00 mark.

For more information, please see the program from the event.


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