We invite you to join us at our panel discussions and booth 1511 to meet the lawyers who stand at the leading edge of today's life sciences industry.
Monday, June 20, 2005
From Private to Public: Lessons Learned from the Class of 2004
9:30 - 10:45 AM
Room Number: 103 A
This session will provide an informative discussion by several biotech companies that went public in the last year and some of their advisers. Company CEOs will discuss lessons learned in the IPO process and the pressures facing newly public companies in this sector. Representatives from public biotech companies, investment banking and legal communities will provide their perspectives on the market, risks and rewards of going public, and what they have learned. Partner Steven Singer will be a featured speaker at this session.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Technology Licensing and the New EU Competition Rules
2:15 - 3:45 PM
Room Number: 108 B
The European Commission recently adopted new antitrust rules for technology licensing. The rules are important both to established and emerging companies doing business in the newly enlarged EU. They will require that all existing agreements licensing IP rights in the EU be reviewed by 2006. This panel will outline the new rules, focusing on working examples and highlighting implications for biotech and other life science companies and their advisers. In particular, the panel will outline the consequences of not adhering to the revised (and sometimes technical) rules. Partners Alfred Server and John Ratliff will be featured speakers at this session.