American Conference Institute’s 4th National Forum: Securities Litigation & Enforcement

American Conference Institute’s 4th National Forum: Securities Litigation & Enforcement

Speaking Engagement
ACI’s 4th National Advanced Forum on Securities Litigation and Enforcement is the definitive source for industry leaders to obtain practical strategies and the highest level insights on the most current issues in the field.

Attend to hear from high-level federal and state enforcement officials, top in-house counsel at key financial institutions, nationally-recognized law firms and renowned judges. Be there to learn how to prepare for and respond to increased litigation, how to deal with regulation and enforcement initiatives from various federal and state agencies, and prepare for and defend against the newest claims and claimants.

WilmerHale Partner Lori Martin will be a featured speaker on the panel “Securities Litigation & Enforcement Case Law Year in Review: Inside the Year’s Top Securities Cases and How They Will Dictate the Future of Prosecution and Defense.”

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