18th Annual Charting Your Own Course Career Conference: A Focus on Sponsorship and Abundance

18th Annual Charting Your Own Course Career Conference: A Focus on Sponsorship and Abundance

Speaking Engagement

WilmerHale Partner Tara Elliott will participate in "The Lateral Questionnaire: A Line of Sight to Your Developmental Priorities." The lateral partner questionnaire offers powerful insights into the factors that shape the developmental trajectory and likely future market value of any senior associate—as it seeks to measure factors to include strength of brand, quality of development, durability, health of relationships and subject matter eminence.

WilmerHale Partner Ronald Machen will speak during the plenary session "Who Actually Sponsors Attorneys of Color? Inside the Minds of Sponsors." While self-declared diversity experts and commentators talk a big game about sponsorship, few can identify an attorney of color who they actually sponsor. Seldom do we hear from empowered leaders of color who actually sponsor, who have a vision for and consistently place attorneys of color in the path of their premium time, highest value relationships and insights. In this panel discussion, attendees will engage real sponsors in questions to include:

  • Talking about sponsorship versus actually sponsoring?
  • What motivates a sponsor of color to make deep personal and discretionary investment in a protégé of color?
  • What makes a mentee “sponsor ready?”
  • How does sponsorship define one's legacy?

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