The Second Annual Duff & Phelps IP Value Summit brings together corporate executives, attorneys, investors, and other intellectual property thought leaders to discuss best practices, case examples, challenges and opportunities in valuing, managing, monetizing, structuring and defending IP assets. Unique to this conference are three separate tracks with tailored sessions on strategies for optimizing IP in connection with the following disciplines:
Track 1: Valuation and M&A – This track will include sessions on key valuation trends and issues impacting IP Strategy and transactions, exploring how IP impacts business decisions related to discovering, buying, selling or entering into collaboration arrangements for new product products and technologies, and an update on best practices in M&A.
Track 2: Tax and Transfer Pricing – This track will include discussions on BEPS planning including respecting contractual risk allocations and pricing hard to value intangibles, Best practices in developing projections and covering probability weighted forecasts, and Nuances in Tax and Transfer Pricing Valuation with a special focus on Asia.
Track 3: Licensing, Litigation and Strategy – This track will include sessions on trends in IP litigation, the state of IP across industries, as well as IP disputes in international arbitration.
WilmerHale Partners Robert Gunther and John Pierce and Arbitrator Merriann Panarella will be speaking on "IP Disputes in International Arbitration." Partner Mark Flanagan will serve as moderator. As the number of IP disputes being heard in International Arbitration proceedings continues to increase, this timely session will cover best practices, current trends and risk mitigation strategies. The experienced panel will also share their diverse global perspectives on key issues.