PTAB/USPTO Update - June 2021

PTAB/USPTO Update - June 2021

Client Alert


USPTO Leadership

  • Drew Hirshfeld is still performing the functions and duties of Director.  No announcement from the Biden Administration as to who will be nominated to become the next Director.

IP Toolkit


Notices, Guidance and Requests

Final Rules

Interim Rules

  • There are no new interim rules.

Proposed Rules

PTAB Decisions

  • New Precedential PTAB Decisions
    • There are no new precedential PTAB decisions.
  • New Informative PTAB Decisions
    • There are no new informative PTAB decisions.

New Requests for POP Review

  • Lenovo Holding Company, Inc. et al v. InterDigital Technology Corporation, IPR2020-01481 [Notification of Receipt of POP Request issued May 18, 2021] [Requesting POP review of Institution Decision as being contrary to Federal Circuit precedent regarding a challenged patent’s priority date.]



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