WilmerHale’s Los Angeles office is dedicated to assisting clients with their most significant and complex trials, intellectual property issues, business disputes, and government and regulatory investigations. Established in 2007, the Los Angeles office was built upon the firm’s guiding principles of excellence in our legal work and our client service, a collaborative and collegial environment, and a commitment to public service. Our lawyers regularly draw upon the knowledge and resources of the entire firm and seamlessly work with colleagues around the world to serve the interests of our clients, wherever they are located. We pride ourselves on a culture in which every lawyer feels—and acts—as if he or she has a stake in the success of the office.
Our Los Angeles–based lawyers play an integral role in the firm's busy securities investigations and litigation, intellectual property litigation, and complex commercial litigation practices, particularly when matters have a West Coast component. They have a wide range of experience, including trying numerous cases to juries, defending clients in investigations and prosecutions by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the US Department of Justice, and conducting investigations of potential Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations around the world. These lawyers have experience in California state and federal courts and federal district and appellate courts around the country, as well as in arbitrations and mediations. A diverse range of clients turn to our Los Angeles lawyers for counseling on high-stakes and high-profile issues, including major public companies, media and entertainment studios, broker-dealers, investment management firms and technology companies.