Business Professionals

Our firm prides itself on providing clients with exceptional service. It’s a hallmark of WilmerHale’s success, and we can’t do it without professionals like you.

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Life at WilmerHale

Mentoring Program

The Mentoring Program is designed to provide continued support for our new business professionals at the firm during their first year here. Specifically, new professionals are paired with existing team members who have applied to serve as mentors. Learn More

Business Professional Benefits and Recognitions

WilmerHale’s business professional benefits and recognition programs are second to none, and are a large part of the reason why more than 40% of our support staff has been employed by the firm for more than 10 years. Learn More

Training and Development

Our Training and Development team works with each administrative department to develop and facilitate programs including team building sessions, retreats, management development programs and client service training. Learn More


As an inaugural signatory of the American Bar Association Well-Being Pledge for Legal Employers, we offer support to anyone in crisis and provide resources to promote the overall well-being of every individual in the WilmerHale community.

Why Choose WilmerHale

  • Great Work
    At WilmerHale, we foster a work environment that is deeply rooted in our mission to provide high-quality service to our clients. In an effort to continuously develop our professionals, we provide extensive in-house and external training opportunities.
  • Hard Work
    We are committed to providing consistently world-class legal services and we pride ourselves on finding innovative solutions to complex problems that require us to draw on our full range of experience.
  • Teamwork
    We care about teamwork, career development, and work/personal life balance. We are committed to fostering an environment that embraces each individual’s unique background, experience and perspective.
  • Everyone Counts
    Business professionals are critical contributors to the firm and, equally important, they are also contributors to the community. We encourage our professionals to incorporate integrity and collegiality into their daily activities, both inside the firm and in the local community.

Work at WilmerHale

If you enjoy working in a dynamic environment and are looking for an opportunity to become part of a stellar team of professionals, we would love to hear from you. Learn More

In Their Own Words

“As a member of Information Services, we support the firm’s technology and information management needs. The work we do is incredibly challenging and interesting. When I joined the firm, I was surprised at how collegial and stress-free the work environment was despite how fast-paced the firm can be. The firm has a culture of understanding and mutual respect amongst lawyers and professionals. We all work together to accomplish the firm’s goals and to service our clients. We work hard in the office, but we also recognize the importance of taking time for life outside the firm and for community service. New employees should take advantage of the mentoring program and invest time in meeting people at all levels of the organization. Everyone is always approachable and willing to help.”
“The best thing about working at WilmerHale is the friendships that I’ve made over the years. Spending the day with coworkers who are also friends makes for a pleasant work environment and makes it really easy to collaborate on various matters and constantly learn from each other. I also really enjoy the experience of working across offices on different deal teams. Having the additional support of colleagues in various geographic locations is logistically helpful and has helped me grow in my position as a paralegal by learning from other people’s perspectives and experience.”


Director, Information Governance & Records, Washington DC


Paralegal, Boston

What We Do

Inclusion and Opportunity

We are committed to fostering an environment that values and embraces a broad range of perspectives and experiences. Learn More

Public Service and Pro Bono

WilmerHale maintains a steadfast commitment to pro bono representation and public service, and believes in an inherent obligation to ensure equal access to justice for underserved communities around the world. Learn More

Legal excellence. Dedication to clients.

WilmerHale provides legal representation across a comprehensive range of practice areas that are critical to the success of our clients. Learn More


Unless you are an existing client, before communicating with WilmerHale by e-mail (or otherwise), please read the Disclaimer referenced by this link.(The Disclaimer is also accessible from the opening of this website). As noted therein, until you have received from us a written statement that we represent you in a particular manner (an "engagement letter") you should not send to us any confidential information about any such matter. After we have undertaken representation of you concerning a matter, you will be our client, and we may thereafter exchange confidential information freely.

Thank you for your interest in WilmerHale.